Friday, February 07, 2014

Where Is The Spring?

Well thank goodness it is the end of the first week of February! Another sixty days from now it will be early April. It may even be warm enough to go camping, ha ha ha!
Actually, I believe I will get out for a two night sleep out before then.
It will only be my second time camping alone but I look forward to it. I enjoyed last summers solo trip more than I thought I would!

I am going to consider getting a site for the season at the river campground. It's only a car camping facility but it is pretty and I can still take off into the back country when time allows. That will give me the opportunity to keep my camping skills up to snuff with the basics. Yes, it is only May until October, but hey! Something is better than nothing! An added bonus is that I can have visitors!
That is a wonderful thought, I am thinking.

Speaking of camping ... I have obtained the topographic maps and marine charts for this summers kayak trip to northern Georgian Bay. I can hardly wait! I am it enjoying already. 

I am still going to find a kayak community. There seems to be a somewhat sizable club about an hour away that I will check out. It starts up at the end of February. I am expecting there will be some kayak trippers there.

Life is a dream, enjoy the ride!